What is the Potassium Content of Cherries?

What is the Potassium Content of Cherries?

What is the potassium content of cherries? Potassium is one of the essential nutrients that function to maintain fluid and balance electrolytes in the body. If you have certain illnesses like chronic kidney disease, you don’t want too high of a level in your body. But a deficiency of potassium can cause fatigue, irritability, and high blood pressure.

Dietary Options

So where can you turn if you want to incorporate potassium into your diet? You can try switching from regular to potassium salt, which has up to seventy percent less sodium. But consuming too much of that can cause nausea. It’s much better to get your potassium from the many fruits high in this nutrient.

When looking at the variety of fruits available, you may be wondering, “What is the potassium content of cherries in comparison to other forms of produce?”

A Delightful Source of Potassium

You may be surprised to learn that cherries are actually very high in potassium. In a list of 150 different fruits, sweet cherries rank at number 51, with around 342mg per cup (without pits). Red cherries are a little less so, with 268 mg for every 155 grams.

Compare this to California avocados, which contain over a thousand milligrams in just a single pureed cup. On the other end of the spectrum are olives, which hold a single paltry milligram in three pieces.

Daily Recommendations

The Food and Drug Administration has recently increased the recommended daily value of potassium from 3500mg to 4700mg. Following this statistic, a cup of sweet cherries makes up around 7% of your daily value.

What is the potassium content of cherries? Overall, it’s not too much, but if you want to increase the level of potassium in your diet, cherries are a great gateway into gradually living a more nutritious lifestyle. For an easy way to incorporate cherries into your daily diet, try Chukar Cherries’ dried cherries which are delicious plain or mixed into baked goods.

Source: My Food Data